EVER NOTICED HOW certain contestants on TV competitions like THE VOICE seem to thrive under the guidance of their coaches, while others don't? It turns out, the way a coach speaks to their team can have a significant impact on their confidence and performance. This concept, known as PRIMING, isn't ... READ the POST
Sometimes . . . Do You Feel Like a Burden?
Maybe sometimes this message enters your brain: "I just don't want to be a burden."Ever thought that?You might have a question. You need someone to do something. You want to share your feelings and hope to be heard. You want to express a boundary. You have an ask for someone.Then that thought creeps ... READ the POST
The Glass is Always 100% Full: A Hopeful Outlook for Secondary English Teachers
As secondary English teachers, we often find ourselves grappling with challenges—tight schedules, reluctant readers, and the emotional weight of supporting our students. In those moments, we may feel tempted to view the proverbial glass as half empty or half full. But what if we reframe that ... READ the POST
That little voice trying to stop you? Teachers, let’s talk Limiting Beliefs and Limiting Voices.
Ever want to do something and that little voice stops you by whispering or yelling limiting beliefs at you: "You can't do that." "That's not how it's done." "What will they think?" Middle and high school can be a petri dish of these limiting voices, but it's not like those voices in our ... READ the POST
Why your School Principal shouldn’t just tell Teachers what to do – 4 Types of Decisions
You're sitting in the library during your lunchbreak while your admin delivers a decision they've made. Why does this always seem to happen? Teachers, we know those conversations with parents or our administration can sometimes be difficult? Especially when a decision has to be made. Or maybe the ... READ the POST
Quantity vs Quality – Increase Student Engagement and Create Better Work
Jerry Uelsman . . . photographer, art professor, and person I think you should let change your belief about quality and student engagement. He ran an experiment with his art students at the University of Florida. Half of the class he said he was going to grade on quality. Their grade would ... READ the POST
Learners not listening? It’s time for the secret sauce . . . Curiosity.
Becoming a better listener is a long journey. I've made lots of mistakes along the way. I'm currently studying the book DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS: How to Discuss What Matters Most. Cannot recommend more highly. One of the biggest reasons I fail at listening is I'm not curious enough to ... READ the POST
8 Ways Buying a Complete Novel Study Saves a Secondary English Teacher Time
Secondary English teachers are always looking for ways to save time. When was the last time you used a pre-made complete novel study? 1. Reduce Your Lesson Planning Time: Complete novel studies are ready-to-go, saving you teachers the time it takes to plan and create curriculum materials from ... READ the POST
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