Maybe sometimes this message enters your brain: “I just don’t want to be a burden.”
Ever thought that?
You might have a question. You need someone to do something. You want to share your feelings and hope to be heard. You want to express a boundary. You have an ask for someone.
Then that thought creeps in, “I don’t want to be a burden.” A bother. An annoyance.
So you put off asking. Maybe you’ve already put this ask off before. You might even fear you’ll never get around to asking.
Well, I’ve got news for you . . . and I truly mean this in the most supportive and empowering way possible . . .
Because what I’m going to say might shock you. But I swear I really believe it’ll empower you.
You ready?
OK, here we go.
You are a burden.
Get over it. Everyone is a burden.
Literally, you eat food (burden), consume energy (burden), require time (burden), require effort (burden), and all the things (burdens). It’s fundamentally part of being alive.
Also, you’re a gift. Do you know that? A gift.
You’re a connection, a life, a vibrancy . . . joy, humor, and all the things. And those don’t have to be a part of a person’s life, but they are with you.
So take up your space. Fill your world. Walk your glorious joyful burden all over this earth and get yours and give yours.
Reclaim your burden-full humanity. Because you’re a gift.
Keep on being awesome!