Re-Reading Classroom Novels
To prepare for Back-to-School, I’ve made a goal to re-read the novels I’ve taught so many times, so I can get my own fresh eyes on the story. I’ve taught them so many times, but if you’re like me, reading it while teaching isn’t the same as reading it to absorb it and let it affect me. I really want to re-see the aspects that can re-affect me today, in today’s culture, through my mind today.
FAHRENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury
The first time I read this novel was my 9th grade year in high school. My teacher supplied an approved reading list, and we all had to choose a novel to read and write a report on. I remember that year choosing all sci-fi novels, moving from dystopia to dystopia, and this was my favorite one.
Through the years, I have read it a number of times, and every readthrough it hits me in fresh and deep ways. And every time, I’m reminding of why I love it so much. And I’m always blown away about the legend of him writing this entire story in one sitting at the typewriter. So I’m looking forward to Bradbury inspiring me again and compelling me in new ways.
What classroom novel would you like to re-read w/ fresh eyes?