Today, we’re gonna talk about the first person teachers should help each day.
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If you’ve flown on an airplane before, you likely remember the presentation the flight attendants give showing you what to do if there is an emergency. Seatbelts, flotation devices, all that. And the breathing masks. Do you remember what they say about putting on the mask?
“Remember to put your own mask on first before trying to help anyone else.”
I love that. It’s so simple and clear … put our own masks on first. It’s so easy to forget that day to day. Especially for us teachers. We teachers are super giving people. We’re sacrificial. Most of us became teachers so we could make a difference in the lives of children and the future adults they’ll become. We care. The trouble comes when … in our caring so much for others … we sacrifice caring for ourselves.
And we’ve actually had this topic in our list for a while, so today felt like the perfect day to discuss it because he’s sick.
Yup, two weeks ago, I took an overnight red-eye back home, got sick later that day, and have had some version of something for two weeks now. As I look back, it’s likely because of a combination of choices to not care for myself first.
So what could this look like … this “caring for ourselves first”?
In no particular order … Food is crucial. It’s our fuel. If we’re putting bad fuel into our bodies, we won’t run well. We’ll be tired, won’t be able to focus, and all kinds of other things.
Exercise. So many studies show that exercise gives us physical energy, and stimulates our minds, and helps us sleep better.
Sleep. Gotta sleep. I love me my sleep. They say 7 hours minimum for adults. I know many of us buck that system a lot and might even believe our bodies and minds are different. We’re not going deep into that here today, but we are going to ask if we’re “putting on our own mask first” by getting enough sleep.
Mental health. Shakespeare said, “To thine own self be true.” We’ve gotta know ourselves. How is our mind doing? Our emotional state? Our psyche? Are we good? Do we need to talk with an expert about it? There isn’t any shame in doing so, even if it feels like there is.
Balance. We’ve talked about it all through our series of videos on HOW TO LEAVE ON TIME AND NEVER TAKE PAPERS HOME AGAIN. We’ll say it again … we have to set boundaries and stick to them. We need to zoom out and examine if it feels like a certain part of our lives is taking over the others. Is it? If so, we likely have a balance issue. It’s hard work, but we’ve gotta wrestle things back into alignment. Put our own masks on first.
If we don’t, how will we expect to pour everything we’ve got into our moments teaching and with our learners? How will we be balanced enough to pour into our teaching colleagues? To respond well to parents? To respect and collaborate with our admin? To handle the daily looming tide of teaching pressures?
Put our own masks on first. So what does that look like for you today? Where do you need to start? What’s your next step?
Conversation of the Day: What does “putting your own mask on first” mean to you today?
Hop on over to watch the video and share your thoughts in the conversation.