Today, we’re back with our series How to Leave on Time and NEVER Take Papers Home Again going to get real practical about using our commute time to make our day more peaceful and efficient.
Watch the YouTube video here >>>
I know mornings can feel rough. Many days, our hugest success feels like simply leaving the house with all our clothes on. But once we’re in the car, we’ve got a chunk of time to do something with. Let’s talk about how to use that time to really make an impact on the rest of our day.
You gotta get to work somehow: car, train, subway, bus, bike, walk, carpool. You have some amount of time it takes to commute. Don’t underestimate the value of this time. And don’t think it’s not enough time to really make an impact. It can be huge.
Instead of just vegging out or letting that time happen to us, let’s talk about ways to repurpose our commutes for peace and efficiency.
- Pensieve & efficiency planning
- Soul Care, meditation, music, & Audiobooks
- Relational phone calls … Phone Errands
Everyone is going to use this time. But now you’re going to repurpose it to make a difference.
Your 1st step might be to use your next drive to brainstorm ideas that you could use your drive for. Get them all out. Then next drive come up with a plan. Put it in order, then hold loosely to it. Write it on a notecard and keep it visible in your car, so you see it every drive. Be interruptible for life, of course, but now that you have a plan, you’ll know what to do next each day.
Then put it into plan and get started reclaiming this time to have more peace and efficiency.
Conversation of the Day: What is something you could do during your drive to work that could make your day more peaceful or efficient?
Hop on over to watch the video and share your thoughts in the conversation.