Thanks for joining us on this journey. We hope you’ll tell us your stories and thoughts about each rule because we teachers are all in this together!
When people are in the infatuated dating stage before marriage, they are usually very polite and not very demanding. They ask nicely and use words like “Please” and “Thank you.” After the wedding day, many of them stop using those gracious phrases and start demanding things.
For example, it’s getting close to the end of the class period and the area around your student’s desk still isn’t cleaned. The demanding teacher might say, “This desk is a pig sty. That’s a metaphor.Get this cleaned up.” The asking teacher would say something like, “Is your desk dirty or clean?” Whether or not the kid actually answers, the teacher then says, “It looks pretty dirty still, so it needs to be cleaned up. And what is the rule again: what happens to desks that aren’t cleaned up? That’s right, *insert your classroom rule here*.
Check out the other rules >>>
These rules are adapted with permission from Roger and Becky Tirabassi’s premarital workbook for seriously dating and engaged couples – The Seriously Dating or Engaged Workbook. Roger and Becky have also co-authored a book for married couples called Little Changes Big Results for Crazy, Busy Couples. The principles in these books have changed so many areas of our life. We highly recommend them.